@George_III wrote:
It is not a matter of which candidate for the job of POTUS would be most likely to start WW3. The fact is that with the USA and NATO moving assorted weaponry, including nuclear tipped weapons and nuclear-capable aircraft, and troops eastward into Poland, the Baltic states, Ukraine and Roumania the only sensible Russian response will be to put their nulcear system on a continuous high alert. Instead of having time for the Russian leadership to contact the White House as to what is going on there is now no time available to determine if a radar reflection is false or has been misinterpreted, as has happened a good number of times in the past.
This puts the entire world at risk from the reactions of stressed and / or tired radar operators in Russia to any sort of alarm. It is that simple; and the bloody fools in the White House as well as the bloody fools in NATO have placed us all at such risk. Clinton's bellicose language is yet more of the continuous stream of sheer bloody-minded stupidity that has emanated from those who have occupied the White House since before the Cuban missile crisis in 1963. And Trump is simply a loose canon who will say whatever it takes for him to get elected and then stay in power.
It would be far cheaper for the USA to act as a responsible world citizen and trade with Russia and others, rather than using violence to get what the USA wants; the Chinese are doing preciseley that and as a result will end up with far greater profits and in due course an economic empire of their own, run by the economically colonised in various continents.